El proyecto continúa su marcha. Ya han sido realizadas dos de las tres movilidades previstas en el mismo.

La profesora Fuensanta Saura ha participado en el curso “CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning: Practical Methodology for Teachers who Teach Science, Maths or Tecnical Subjects “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level” que ha tenido lugar en Cheltenham (U.K.) durante la penúltima semana del mes de julio.


Por su parte, la profesora Ana Cuesta ha asistido, en Londres y durante la última quincena de julio, al curso “Content and Language Integrated Leraning (CLIL)”.

Los contenidos de ambos cursos tienen como finalidad el conocimiento teórico de la metodología CLIL, metodología orientada a la enseñanza bilingüe, y dar unas bases para su posterior implementación en el aula.





The Project is still running.  Two out of the three programmed mobilities have already been accomplished.

Teacher Fuensanta Saura has participated in the course “CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning: Practical Methodology for Teachers who Teach Science, Maths or Tecnical Subjects “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level” which has taken place in Cheltenham (U.K.) during the third week of July.

Moreover, teacher Ana Cuesta has attended, in London and during the second fortnight of July, the course “Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)”.

The goal of both courses is to acquired theoretical knowledge on CLIL methodology and to give the basis for its practical implementation.

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